Friday, 21 March 2014

Get S.M.A.R.T by being S.M.A.R.T.E.R

Susie Matson
Most people are familiar with the process of goal setting using ‘SMART’ targets, but what about, ‘SMART’ getting ‘SMARTER’.

It is much more difficult to set goals based around improving softer skills and personal qualities, such as communication. By using SMARTER targets alongside web-profiling enables us to focus on their interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.

When setting SMART targets it is essential to make it an art and listen sharp. You need to get alongside and assist the client to put in the ‘S’ and be specific about the goal they aim to achieve. Ensure there is a measure, can the goals be assessed? 

If measurement is not by the completed action, try using scaling for effect; the result may be growth in esteem and personal confidence. ‘A’ - is the target acceptable?  Do you both believe that it can be achieved? Bring back the ‘R’ for reality. Challenge is vital for motivation, yet unrealistic targets will only lead to further disappointment and loss of personal confidence. 

When is it going to be done? Time is essential for knowing how much time you have to complete your target.

You can maximise the impact of your SMART goals by making your goals SMARTER. To do this create an atmosphere of excitement to whet their inquisitiveness, enabling high levels of curiosity and enthusiasm for both client and coach. 

Updated records of goals achieved demonstrates client satisfaction and that target setting can undoubtedly make the difference.

Susie is currently a candidate on our Masters-level Coaching course, the ILM Level 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring.  Read more about this and other ILM coaching qualifications here.

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